Thursday, May 24, 2012

       This is doTERRA's  newest great idea!

On Guard® Cleaner Concentrate is the natural and

safe way to clean your living environment while

leaving a clean and invigorating scent. Purposely

designed to have a wide variety of uses, this specialized

formula is derived from plant-based materials

combined with 5 ml of On Guard for exceptional

cleaning power and protection from harmful surface-

borne microbes naturally. On Guard® Cleaner

Concentrate is non-toxic and biodegradable, so it is

friendly for consumers as well as the environment.

It is concentrated so this 12oz bottle will last forever!  I am so excited about it.

12 oz. bottle Retail $19.33

If you are interested you can order it at  or email me at

Friday, May 18, 2012

Saturday open house

It is going to be a super exciting weekend!!
Our oldest son has a state playoff game, taking all the munchkins to the ZOO
and hosting a event in Layton.
It will be a open house, if you are interested it will be hosted at the
Salon Belle Rouge,1155 N main in Layton.
If you need directions just email me.
It will be from 4-6.
Hope to see you there!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

doTERRA as a business

Summer has defiantly arrived at our house, along with the crazy busy schedules!!
I never thought the day would come that I was excited to have my teenagers driving, but
With Football schedules, work, and play it is time to let my 15 year old spread his wings and DRIVE. He takes his drivers test today and with any luck with be legal the end of the month... cross your fingers :)

This weekend my sister made the long trip home for mothers day, so we took advantage of the
time on Saturday to do a doTERRA party for some friends.
 It was awesome!  It is always so fun to visit with friends,
but even better to see how you can help improve the health and lives of
not only them, but their friends and families!!

I had a few ladies ask me about how and why I decided to become a consultant for doTERRA, so here is my story for you as well.

My youngest has always slept really well, then about a year ago he became the naughtiest sleeper....ever!
Some nights we were up 6 times!! That makes for a tired and not so fun mom the next day.
I was talking to a friend of mine about it, she gave me a sample to lavender, she told me to
rub it on his feet at night, swearing it would help...
I am a skeptical person.  I only took it to make her happy,
I tried it that night and after 1 week I was a believer.
We went from 6 times a night to maybe 1 but 3-7 nights he slept all night.

I was interested in learning more, I had researched them on the Internet and decided to have her host a party.
Within my family we bought, past tense for headaches, deep blue for bad hip and knee pain,
 lavender for sleep, and the Vitamins.
After using the vitamins for a month I could see a huge difference in my energy level.  My hair, skin and nails were noticeably healthier. 
I would love to know what they are doing to the inside if the outside is better. :)

My sister in law has great results with the Past Tense for her chronic headaches.
Both of my parents had great relief with the deep blue with their joint pain.

I decided to buy a physicians kit and try it.  I have used  digest zen for tummy aches, relief was immediate.  Lavender and balance on my kids every night for sleep, results TREMENDOUS.
I also am using slim and sassy, with good results, the list goes on but the bottom line is, I have loved everything I have tried.  I love that it is CERTIFIED PURE THERAPEUTIC GRADE.
All natural, no chemicals or perfumes added.  I don't have to worry about what I am giving my children and what it is going to do to their little bodies.

I started sharing oils with my friends because I want to help them with everyday ailments.
I didn't really have the intent of making a business as much as just helping those around me feel better... As a perk in sharing these oils, I have received financial gain from doTERRA.
  As this point I make enough money to cover what I order.  So It is like using the oils I love for FREE!!
I KNOW there is great potential to earn large amounts of money if you decide to make doTERRA a business, and would be happy to help you along the way if you are interested.
My first recommendation would be to try the oils, develop your own love with them.  Then it is easy and natural to share with other.
This is the compensation plan payout, per MONTH!  So like I said,  Great potential for anyone willing to try it.

If you have question or would like to know more, feel free to email me at

Friday, May 4, 2012

WInner announced

Congratulations to Emily,  You were the only comment, easy win for you :)
  Please send me a email at with your address and I will send you some  Melaleuca along with the instrucions for toe nail fungus.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

List of events

I wanted to share the list of Tammy and Jim Stephens scheduled events for May and June.
If you are in the area and would like to attend please let me know so they know how many people to
All of these will be amazing, if you would like us to host a event in your area, please let me know!

May 1   6pm Medicine Cabinet Makeover - 7pm Training 12550West Explorer Dr Suite260 Boise 
May 2    6:30pm Medicine Cabinet Makeover - Tomato’sItalian Grill 1309 Blue Lakes Boulevard North, Twin Falls, ID 83301      
May 5    9am Medicine Cabinet Makeover 10:00-12:00Training - ICON  485 West Overland Road  Meridian, ID 83642    
May 7    7pm Medicine Cabinet Makeover - 2387Waterwheel Rd Emmett ID 83617                                            
May 8    7pm Medicine Cabinet Makeover - ICON Credit Union 485 West Overland Road  Meridian,ID 83642            
May 9-16   Washington DC email for appointment& event locations         
May 17   Tri-Cities WA  available appointment times 2-7pm     
May17    7pm Tri-CitiesWA - Corey Lindley, doTERRA Chief Financial Officer (Corporate event)

May18 –20   Wentachee WA  - email for appointment& event locations                                                                    

May 21    7pm  Medicine Cabinet Makeover – 2387 Waterwheel Rd Emmett ID 83617                              
 May 22    7pm Medicine Cabinet Makeover - 12550 West Explorer Dr Suite260 Boise ID83713               
May23    7pm Missoula MT - Dr. David Hill, D.C. (corporate event)                                                                                                                                                                                                
May23-24 Missoula MT email  for appointment & event locations                       
May29    7pm Medicine Cabinet Makeover - 12550 West Explorer Dr Suite260 Boise ID83713                                                    
May30    4:30 – 6:00 Justin Harrison - Business Training - Courtyard Marriott 1789S Eagle Rd Meridian ID 83642                                     
May30    7pm   Justin Harrison - Medicine Cabinet Makeover  -  Courtyard Marriott  1789 S Eagle Rd Meridian ID 83642          
June2     9am Medicine Cabinet Makeover 10:00-12:00Training - ICON  485 West Overland Road  Meridian, ID 83642     
June 2-5  Sonora CA  email for appointment & event locations                   
June 4    7pm  Medicine Cabinet Makeover – 2387 Waterwheel Rd Emmett ID 83617      
June5    7pm Medicine Cabinet Makeover - 12550 West Explorer Dr Suite260 Boise ID83713             
June7    7pm Tremonton UT  Dr. David Hill, D.C. doTERRA Chief Medical Advisor (corporate event)                     
June11   7pm Medicine Cabinet Makeover – 2387 Waterwheel Rd Emmett ID 83617              
June12   7pm Medicine Cabinet Makeover - ICON Credit Union 485 West Overland Road  Meridian, ID 83642